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Ancient teachings of the East applied to the real life struggles of relationship, self-love and the journey to find oneself.  --- A profound story of a journey that will make you laugh, cry, and realize that our life lessons are not so different after all. 

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Unlock the Secrets of Love and Life


Ancient Teachings, Modern Psychology


Meet the Founder

The ancient teachings of the East systematically lay out a process by which we can recognize and develop the Self --- to understand how we unwittingly obstruct ourselves from our own greatest potentials. Then, combining mindfulness-based techniques with modern psychology, powerfully address these challenges as they manifest in our personal and professional lives. 

Yoga Retreat

Transformational Programs

Much of the pain and discomfort we experience is because of these structural misalignments that could be addressed by a simple regime of moving and stretching the body through its full range of motion.

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Yoga Nidra™

Yoga Nidra is an ancient sleep-based meditation technique that has the power to take you to the innermost, deepest levels of relaxation where your whole body and being is permeated by peace of mind and profound stillness.

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Yoga Therapy™

I AM Yoga Therapy™ is a total body stretch and energy opener.


It uses wall, prop and assisted poses to help you move into areas of constriction, tightness and pain that you normally avoid.


Full Course List

Learn specific and immediately useful tools to release trapped psychosomatic patterns and free the body’s innate healing potential. Body-based facilitation & coaching techniques can be applied with or without yoga poses.

Kyna, Yoga Student

"Words cannot express how much gratitude I feel to have the opportunity to share your teachings with others. Thank you Kamini from the bottom of my heart."

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